2017 Holiday Luncheon Registration

Don’t miss the opportunity to socialize with your fellow Silver Jackets and enjoy a delicious meal together! Details and registration follow:

Date and time: Tuesday, December 5, 2017, 12:00 noon

Location: Petite Violette Restaurant, 2948 Clairmont Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.

The parking lot is to the left of the restaurant, and a valet may be on site for our event. We will have a private room, so please mention the Silver Jackets when you enter to be directed to it.

Cost: $32 per person (includes tax and tip)

Payment: Cash (please have exact amount) or check (payable to Sara Hammock). Bring to Nov.14 meeting or mail, to arrive by Tue., Nov. 28, to: Sara Hammock, 2060 Arlington Avenue, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324.

Deadline: Submit form with payment by Tue., Nov. 28, 2017. Payment in advance is required. If you register early and plans change, refunds are available only if you call Sally by noon on Wed., Nov. 29. No refunds can be issued after the number of guests is confirmed with the restaurant at that time.

Questions? Please call or e-mail Sally Hammock, (404) 291-7328, sallyhammock21@gmail.com. A list of attendees will be sent to registrants by Dec. 2 via e-mail. If you sign up and do not get one by then, please contact Sally.

Entrees must be pre-selected. If a guest will accompany you, please check two entrees and desserts.

Please submit completed menu form with your payment.