The Treasurer’s position was originally Chair, Finance Committee. We use Treasurer throughout to represent both titles.
2020 Officers:
Ed Rondeau, President
Wayne Book, Vice President/Program Chair
Jo McIver, Secretary
Ian Gatland, Treasurer
John Balsam, Immediate Past President
Committee Chairs:
John Balsam, Membership
Roz Meyers, Social
Georgia Tech’s Representative on USG Retiree Council: John Balsam
Retiree Representative on the Georgia Tech Faculty Benefits Committee: Dave Millard
Retiree Representative to the Georgia Tech Staff Council: Nannette Dooley
2019 Officers:
John Balsam, President
Ed Rondeau, Vice President/Program Chair
Tom Horton, Secretary
Kimsey Pollard, Treasurer
Kathy Tomajko, Past President
Committee Chairs:
Ron Bohlander, Membership
Sally Hammock, Social
Georgia Tech’s Representative on USG Retiree Council: Kathy Tomajko
Retiree Representative on the Georgia Tech Faculty Benefits Committee: Dave Millard
Retiree Representative to the Georgia Tech Staff Council: Nannette Dooley
2018 Officers:
Kathy Tomajko, President
John Balsam, Vice President
Janis Goddard, Secretary
Earl Cagle, Treasurer
Ron Bolander, Past President
Committee Chairs:
Ron Bolander, Membership
Sally Hammock, Social
Georgia Tech’s Representative on USG Retiree Council: Kathy Tomajko
Retiree Representative on the Georgia Tech Faculty Benefits Committee: Dave Millard
Retiree Representative to the Georgia Tech Staff Council: Sally Hammock
2017 Officers:
Len Parsons, Past President
Ron Bohlander, President
Kathy Tomajko, Vice President
Janis Goddard, Secretary
Earl Cagle, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Pat Davis, Membership
Sally Hammock, Social
Georgia Tech’s Representative on USG Retiree Council: Ron Bohlander
Retiree Representative on the Georgia Tech Faculty Benefits Committee: Dave Millard
Retiree Representative to the Georgia Tech Staff Council: Sally Hammock
2016 Officers:
Ward O. Winer, Past President
Len Parsons, President
Ron Bohlander, Vice President
Bob Green, Secretary
Earl Cagle, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Pat Davis, Membership
Sally Hammock, Social
Georgia Tech’s Representative on USG Retiree Council: Andy Smith
Retiree Representative on the Georgia Tech Faculty Benefits Committee: Wayne Book
2015 Officers:
Ian Gatland, Past President
Ward O. Winer, President
Len Parsons, Vice President
Bob Green, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass/Pat Davis, Membership
Sally Hammock and Carol Heller, Co-Chairs Social
2014 Officers:
Annette Satterfield, Past President
Ian Gatland, President
Ward O. Winer, Vice President
Bob Green, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass, Membership
Sally Hammock and Carol Heller, Co-Chairs Social
2013 Officers:
Ian Gatland, Past President
Annette Satterfield, President
Rena Brakebill, Vice President
Susan Keenan, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass, Membership
Sally Hammock and Carol Heller, Co-Chairs Social
2012 Officers:
Jo McIver, Past President
Ian Gatland, President
Annette Satterfield, Vice President
Susan Keenan, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass, Membership
Sally Hammock and Carol Heller, Co-Chairs Social
2011 Officers:
Steve Dickerson, Past President
Jo McIver, President
Ian Gatland, Vice President
George Cain, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass, Membership
Candy Carson, Social
2010 Officers:
Sandra Thornton, Past President
Steve Dickerson, President
Jo McIver, Vice President
George Cain, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chairs:
Maureen Glass/Charles Brown, Membership
Candy Carson, Social
Sara Dryden, Website
2009 Officers:
Maureen Glass, Past President
Sandra Thornton, President
Steve Dickerson, Vice President
Evelyn Webb, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer
Committee Chair:
Candy Carson, Social
2007-2008 Officers:
Maureen Glass, President
Sandra Thornton, Vice President
Mary Anne Salter, Secretary
Roger Rupnow, Treasurer